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  • Customer
    • Golden Fruit Juice
  • Services
    • Web Design
    • Web Development
    • Content Management
  • Publication Date
    • June 2022
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Golden Web Design and Content Planning

Our project for Golden website is the result of a successful collaboration tailored to specific needs. By providing web design, web development, and content management services, we contributed to Golden's strong and effective online presence.

Web Design: We developed a unique web design for Golden that is user-focused and modern. With a user-friendly and modern interface, we aimed to provide visitors with a seamless browsing experience and capture their satisfaction.

Web Development: We created a robust and flexible software infrastructure for Golden website to meet its specific requirements. By maximizing site performance, we enhanced the user experience.

Content Management: For easy and efficient content management on Golden website, we developed a functional Content Management System (CMS). This system enables site administrators to easily edit, update, and delete content.

Through the successful completion of these services in the Golden website project, we contributed to the creation of a prominent and well-liked digital presence in the industry.

Content and Business Development Process

Information Exchange: Extensive information exchange was conducted regarding the project's goals, target users, and content.
Planning Phase: We determined the website structure and selected the technologies to be used.
Graphic Design: UI/UX designs were created to determine the user experience and actions when accessing the site.
Development: Front-end and back-end coding processes were completed.
Review and Publishing: A comprehensive review was conducted on the site, errors were corrected, and the site was published.

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